Not that i expected to have this baby by time i was 38 weeks...but for anyone wondering the baby is still nice and comfy but running out of room with the quickness!
I finished my entire first week of not working. It was a bit hard to get used to i will admit, but once i started working on much needed house projects the week flew by. I finally organized the mess of a room that we call the office. I tackled the closet inside the office as well, which was an absolute disaster. It's so nice to walk by there now and see order. I also did some house cleaning but it turned out to be too much since I've been having more hip trouble since then. Oh well - the house is clean now and ready for baby!
I also had the chance to do lunch with some friends which was great! I also got a pedicure (because pretty feet are a must when you're having a baby), and i got my eyebrows done. I was determined to do these two things before the baby arrived. I know it sounds so strange - but i just couldn't got to the hospital with ugly feet and eyebrows. Once i got my eyebrows done i felt like i was finally ready whenever the baby decided to arrive.
I have my 38 week appointment today at noon. She'll check again for any progress and we'll schedule our next appointment for next week - my due date week! I can't believe it. For as slow as it goes by, it does go by fast as well. I know that makes no sense whatsoever - but some days i look back and think "i never thought i would make it to a week from my due date." Other days it's more like "Wait, what? The baby is coming any time now?!?!" When you think about it, it is almost one year of your life - that's pretty long (when you're growing another human being anyway). When i compare this timeline to when we were getting married i remember that week just flying by. And if this week goes by as fast as last week, I'll be blogging about my 40th week of pregnancy in no time!
No...i still haven't loaded any pictures from 37 weeks but i did take one on St. Patrick's Day. Trust me - it's more green than anyone should have to see. I still need to take one for 38 weeks...such a slacker but hey - as you can see from above I've been a busy girl...getting pedicures and all ;)
The Albano's arrive a week from Thursday! That means April is only days hard to believe. Then my Dad and Lisa arrive on the 14th. By that time we'll be half way through the month...and hopefully have a little one!
Off to get ready for the doctor's. More to report soon!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Still pregnant...
Posted by Kim at 6:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Full term!
This is going to be a pretty boring post...
I'm officially 37 weeks which means we are full term! The baby can come at any time now and be just fine in the outside world. My due date is only two weeks from this Friday which is unbelievable.
I started getting things together today for the hospital bag. I've been hesitant to go too crazy packing a bag because i feel like the more prepared we are the longer it will take for the baby to arrive. Stupid i know, but either way i have started to wash my hospital clothes, get things together for Nathan and put toiletries in the bag. I'm sure I'll unpack it and re-pack a few more times before it's time to go to the hospital.
That's about it for now...boring as i promised.
I don't have a picture for 37 weeks right now. I'm so fricken lazy these days it's ridiculous. I will take one though, i swear.
Tomorrow is my next doctor appointment. If there is anything worth posting i will be sure to do so!
Hope everyone is well.
Posted by Kim at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I knew it wasn't sciatica!
So this whole hip thing has been getting worse - and worse and worse. Although I kept thinking that this had to do with my pre-existing hip issues, the doctors kept saying "oh it's sciatica," and "welcome to pregnancy," whenever I would tell them about the pain. It did start to get frustrating when they would brush me off as another whiney pregnant girl with your run-of-the-mill hip pain, but i just learned to live with the pain and deal with it.
(Jesus, I'm enormous).
It was 66 degrees here on Saturday. It was so beautiful. Nathan got a chance to get out and golf which I was so happy about. I hope he gets a couple more chances between now and when the baby comes. It can't be fun to sit at home with your fat and mobility challenged wife all weekend. Poor guy.
I have my first training event this week for work. Becky and Lynn, my co-workers, are coming along to shadow me as they will be running some of my programs for me while I'm out. They're usually 12 hour days so we'll see how that goes. After this week I'm supposed to start working from home until the baby comes - unless the doctor decides to pull me out altogether when i see her tomorrow. I find that doubtful since they think I'm faking.
OK, I'm done now, i swear.
Hope everyone is well!
Posted by Kim at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Next month!
We can officially say we're having a baby next month! Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and have one at the end of THIS month?!

And just for fun, this is what i found in my bed the other morning...:
Here's to hoping for warmer weather very soon!
Posted by Kim at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
For the Love of Blog!
First off...I'm fat. I just uploaded my shower pictures (which i will share in a minute) and man o' man...I'm huge. People keep saying that my face hasn't changed at all. Really? So my face has been this round and chubby my whole life? Then why didn't someone tell me!?!? Sheesh. Help a girl out.
Here are some pictures of other fun gifts once we got everything into the baby's room:
My cousin Jessie and Aunt Nancy made me the most adorable diaper cake, which had so many fun things on it, including the cutest little pair of baby crocs:
And here's a shot of the nursery with all the goods, including our stroller in the background which is now also known as the "Cadillac":
And thanks to my wonderful husband, i started off my morning before the shower with a manicure and pedicure! It was a great day - and i was exhausted when it was all over.
I made my trip up to NYC on Wednesday for my interviews. They were all really nice people. We'll see what comes of it, but I'm remaining positive. I also took a picture of myself wearing a suit jacket that used to actually button up in the front. This is me at 33 1/2 weeks...
Needless to say it didn't button last week for my trip. I'm pretty sure it was obvious to the Bank of America people why it wasn't closed for my interviews.
So, we're down to about 6 weeks. I'm really hoping the baby doesn't bring me past 40 weeks - but I'm bracing myself for that reality.
I head to the doctor again this Wednesday for another check up. I'll have another one two weeks from then, and after that we're down to an appointment every week! It's getting close and we're getting very excited to meet this baby and know if it's a girl or a boy!!!
That's about it for now. Hope your weather is better then ours is today: raining, windy and freezing.
Posted by Kim at 6:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Peanut butter M&M's are like a party in my mouth.
That's all.
Posted by Kim at 12:40 PM 1 comments
A Few of My Favorite Things...
Friday marks week 33! We bought the crib mattress and put the linens "on" the crib. We also ordered our glider which we are waiting to arrive.
We went to Ikea this past weekend to buy some shelves which look pretty good. I also came across a set of three pictures that have a bird in them, and also include "girly" colors like reds and pinks. I wasn't in love with this set of pictures, but since i haven't had much luck anywhere else i figured why not just get them (they were cheap being from Ikea anyway). Nathan hung them above the crib. Errr...I'm not that crazy about them at all, but every time i go into the room i test my ability to like them. I change on a day to day basis. Not sure if they will last or not. Until then, my search for cute bird prints continues.
Things at work continue to be stressful and mysterious all at once. Anyone who knows me wouldn't be surprised to find that I've been very worried about the whole situation. Then last Wednesday i landed myself at the doctor's office with horrible shooting pains from my belly into my legs, as well as the mother of all back pain. It started the night before, but i went to bed thinking i would just let the baby move positions. It didn't really help, but i didn't want to make a big deal about it. The next morning the entire drive to work (all 1.5 hours!) i had shooting pains into my thighs again and the damn back pain lurking. When i got to work i was talking to someone who just had a baby almost a year ago now. I asked her if she ever experienced that before and her response was "Yeah, when i went into early labor."
Mmm. Ok. So i called the doctor, who asked me to come down the office. Once you're this close to your due date (although it's a ways off, people do have babies this early for different reasons), they don't like to take any chances. Loooonnnng story short, i had to get an internal exam and get hooked up to the monitor to look for contractions, etc.
A couple of braxton hicks contractions later they sent me on my way chalking it up to the baby enjoying itself best when it's positioned on nerves that cause the pain.
Fine with me! I felt so dumb for even calling, but i know too many people at work who had horrible things happen to them during pregnancy that i just thought it wasn't worth it to not be cautious. Since that day I've decided that i can't worry about things at work anymore. It's out of my control, therefore i need to let it go. It's not worth mine or the baby's health. Nathan would say...I've turned a new leaf. Things are still worrisome, of course, but time will tell what will happen.
One more thing on work (just as an update): I think i mentioned we had to turn in our resumes a couple of weeks ago, and we did go through a process called talent review. Now next week we have to go to NYC (that's super easy and fun at 8 months pregnant!) to do "meet and greets" with people who haven't been identified yet. Since they like to assume we're stupid - the translation for "meet and greet" in this environment is: interview. Yup, that's right. A 15 minute interview to justify to some stranger why they should keep you over someone else. So I'm thinking I'll just pretend to go into labor and ask if we can reschedule for when I'm back from maternity leave ;)
On the bright side of things, I've been obsessed with a few favorite things lately, that i just thought i would share:
1. Lolli pops - mostly Blowpops and Tootsie Pops. I have been considering writing a letter to the maker of Blowpops to suggest a longer lasting bubblegum.
2. Caffeine free Coke!!! Whoooweee! I mean i LOVE it. Don't know what it is but i can't get enough. I have, however, managed to control my urges.
3. Corn. There's nothing better right now then some good hot corn with melted butter on it. Yum.
5. Garlic hummus in a pita. This has been my lunch for the past 4 days, and I'm still going strong on the likeness. It's so good and a great alternative to lunch meats. Tomorrow marks a sad day as it will be the last pita we have in the house before i need to go out and get more.
6. Foot rubs. Thanks to all the sock rings i get around what Nathan likes to call my "cankles" (calves and ankles running into one) I've been scoring myself some great foot and cankle rubs. Honestly, i still have ankles...but we laugh so hard at the mere sight of how swollen they get these days. It's ridiculous.
7. The warm weather we've been getting. I know it won't last...i mean i live in NJ. But today it's 58 degrees out! Saturday's forecast: Snow. Dare i say more about NJ?
Mmmmm....i guess that's all i have for now on my list.
I did have my 32 week check up today. Everything sounds and looks good. The doctor measured my belly and then felt around and said "Well, you're not going to have a very big baby!" So, i called Nathan and told him we're having a Peanut! I won't say the weight she gave me, as some people who read this are involved in a pool of gender and weight guesses. I wouldn't want anyone to have an advantage ;)
I also asked her how far past my due date they let me suffer for. She said generally one week, unless my cervix hasn't done a thing, and then they will let me go a little longer...more like 10 days. She said they never let it go past two weeks. Well that's good, since i would jump off a bridge by then anyway.
I want to be mentally prepared since i have a feeling this baby knows how horrible my patience are, and therefore will most likely test them by coming out late.
That's it for now. Sorry i don't have any pics to post this go around. I will take more of the room and the ever growing belly this weekend!
Posted by Kim at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
It's February!
I'm so glad it's February. I felt like January lasted FOREVER. These last weeks are dragging on...slower then i could have imagined. I'm hoping that with February being a short month it will help it move along faster.

I think that's all for now. Sorry it took me a while to get this one up. I've been distracted with work i suppose.
My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday the 11th. After that i start going every two weeks until I'm 36 weeks...then it's every week. Hopefully this baby won't make us wait longer than 41 weeks. Anything after that and i know I'll go insane.
Posted by Kim at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Woot woot!
I passed my glucose test! I'm so relieved.
I know people thought i was crazy about worrying - but with pregnancy you never know what's in store, and considering I've developed a mean sweet tooth with this little one i wasn't not at all confident that my diet had contributed to a "pass" on this test.
I LOVE being wrong in this case.
Someone get me a milkshake...STAT!
Oh yeah...finished the trees! Will post the finished products this weekend. Maybe by then the birdies will have arrived as well.
Posted by Kim at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
My Weekend Project
Well we've been working full speed ahead on the nursery now. My goal is to have it done (for the most part) about a month before I'm due. This way all we have to do is put things away and wait...and wait...and wait.

Posted by Kim at 10:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Do These Stripes Make Me Look Fat?
Posted by Kim at 3:38 PM 0 comments