This is my 28 week picture. I know it will sound like crap, but i really don't look this big in person. Don't get me wrong, i have really started to feel "pregnant" these past few weeks. I can't lean over to pick up the dog, bending down is impossible and i lose my breath from going up 4 steps. But I'm serious when i say that the camera really makes this belly look bigger.
I went to the hair salon yesterday to get my hair did and every one's guess there is that it's a boy. Mostly because they say my butt hasn't gotten bigger (yet) and that my face looks the same. One girl just kept saying "you're all belly, that's it."
I'll take it, thanks!
I have a 27 week picture but i had been lying on the couch all day being lazy and my face looks disgusting. Therefore, i will not be posting that one. Don't worry - it's just another big belly shot. I do, however, have a picture of Nathan and i from New Year's Eve. He held the noise maker to my belly so that the baby could get in on the action:
All in all it's coming along.
Going back to work this past Monday was hard since having off for almost a full two weeks. It felt like it always did in school coming back from winter break. Things are off and running and i was in New York on Monday to meet with Bank of America people. They were all very nice, and we're hoping that this all turns more into a "partnership" for our group and not a massacre of our jobs. Time will tell.
I'm keeping this one short and sweet tonight. There's only so much time before Desperate Housewives!
My doctor's appointment (and glucose test) is Wednesday. More on that next weekend.
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