Well we've been working full speed ahead on the nursery now. My goal is to have it done (for the most part) about a month before I'm due. This way all we have to do is put things away and wait...and wait...and wait.
I've been really struggling with this project. The bedding, as i posted a few weeks ago, is about as gender neutral as i could find without going the route of characters that i just don't like. I just couldn't do a nursery with Pooh or Zoo Animals. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that decor, but i was hoping for something simple and modern that would suit either gender just fine. It's been easier said then done so far! I had my aunt come over earlier in the week and we chatted about some ideas. Then i got online and started searching for cute nursery items to give me some ideas. That's when i came across this:
I just think it's so cute and perfect to add some neutrality to the walls. I figured i wouldn't add in the butterflies or flowers until after the baby arrived. The only catch is we decided to just paint over the ugly paneling in the nursery, and with these you need a smooth surface. Grrr.
SO after much contemplation i figured to try and give it a go myself with craft paint and a little imagination. These are from yesterday after i had just gotten started on the leaves:
To go in the trees, and around the room, i ordered cute little birdie decals that work just like that tree decal above does. I can use these on the paneling since they are small enough to fit in between the ridges. I plan to stick some in the two trees, as well as on top of the window and around the room just for some kind of theme - and to tie all of it together.
As you can see we painted the walls with white on top, chocolate in the middle, and the iced sage (to match the bedding) on the bottom. The wall actually imitates the crib skirt with the chocolate stripe going around it. My mom keeps saying it's a little boys room - which i agreed with until i added the trees. Now I'm starting to see the girl potential as well. I'm hoping once i get the birds and other decorative elements that i can really neutralize the whole thing.
We ordered the carpet today which is being installed on Friday (yay!) as well as two new windows to keep the baby warm. Only a couple more things to do before we can put the furniture together and in the room!
I had my doctor's appointment this past Wednesday but won't know my diabetes results until this week i guess ( I forgot to ask how long it takes to get the results). So I'm either going to be really happy or really pissed. Not sure yet. I gained 3 pounds since December 17th and the baby was lying sideways when the doctor went to measure my belly and listen to the hear beat which was 156. My next appointment is February 11th then i start seeing the doctor every two weeks until 36 weeks at which point i go every week.
We also had childbirth classes on Saturday. It was very informative and humorous all at once. There were many things i didn't know and some that i just didn't want to. I also learned how to breath - including the: hee-hee-hee-hooo move. We learned that we have to fill out our admissions papers now so we are prepared when i go into labor, and that we have to have our pediatrician picked out before we get there!!! I have no idea where to start on that one. Most people were around the same time frame as me, being due in late March and early April. We had one couple due in February and one couple having twins. It was, by far, way more enjoyable then our pre-cana experience!!! Even at the end Nathan said "that wasn't that bad at all."
I turned 29 weeks on Friday. I don't have a good picture as it was taken last night before i went to sleep - literally seconds before i crawled into bed. Nonetheless, here it is (bare belly this week):

11 more weeks to go!
Hope everyone is well!
Kim it looks so good!! I showed Tim and he asked "did they do it themselves" I told him yes, and he said it looks really good! I think it will look even extra cuter with the birdies! I think it does look very gender neutral. You guys are doing a great job and I am sure baby Albano will be very pleased! What color carpet did you go for? chat soon...
We went with something very neutral (can you see a boring theme here?!?!) so that we can change the paint colors, etc. and leave it in there if we want. It's a beige of sorts...
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