We can officially say we're having a baby next month! Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and have one at the end of THIS month?!
It's been a fairly uneventful week or so. I turned a year older (yuck), put all the baby goodies away, and we just got 8 inches of snow today. So uneventful, but busy i guess you could say.
I also went to the doctor for my 34 week appointment. My next one is next Monday which will be my 36 week check up - then we start going every week. It's crazy!
Oh yeah - our glider arrived too! Now we just need to put it together.
The only other thing i have is more of a complaint. Let me tell anyone who doesn't already know this from personal experience (and i hope you don't know personally)...sciatica hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. I can't even walk up and down the stairs to get to our bedroom. Sitting on the toilet is a chore which usually involves some grunting while in the process from the pain - it makes for an interesting time in the bathroom at work. Between the sciatica and my already existing bad hips things have slowed down a bit for me. I've scheduled my pre-natal massage (thank you Nathan) for this Saturday. I'm not sure if it will help or not, but it will still feel good I'm sure. It's been about a week and a half since I've been walking with a limp (my pregnant pimp walk), so I'm just used to it now. I basically look like a knocked-up 90 year old. GOD am i attractive!
Here are my 35 week pictures. I did take a bare belly shot, so don't scroll down if you're easily faint!:

And just for fun, this is what i found in my bed the other morning...:
Here's to hoping for warmer weather very soon!
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