Monday, February 2, 2009

It's February!

I'm so glad it's February. I felt like January lasted FOREVER. These last weeks are dragging on...slower then i could have imagined. I'm hoping that with February being a short month it will help it move along faster.

We've made major progress on the nursery. Nathan worked so hard this past weekend. I kept saying "wait until tomorrow to paint that, or put that together," but he just kept going on Saturday and didn't stop. When we woke up on Sunday all that was left was the changing table to put together which he did after he ate.

The bird decals also arrived this week so i started putting some of them up. We need to go get a crib mattress and the glider. I have a shopping trip planned this weekend to buy some shelves and other decor to start bringing it all together. All in all i really like how it's coming along.

Here are some pictures:

I'll take more of the final product once i decorate more. Still lot's to be done, but it's definitely a big change from when we started!!!

I'm 31 weeks now. I can't believe it. That feels pretty far along. Once you're in the "30's" it starts to feel more real for some reason.

Things at work are getting a little scary. We had to turn in our resumes last Friday so they can start a process called talent review. It's where they go through a group person by person and basically decide if there is a position for you in the newly formed organization. The worst part (although there are many), is that they are hoping to make their decisions by March. That means that i could potentially be laid off before even going on maternity leave. I am FREAKING. I do have some days that are better then others, but it's such a horrible thing to go through no matter what - so i think the pregnancy just escalates it. Ugh.

Anyway - here's a couple of 31 week pictures:

Swelling in my hands and ankles has ensued big time. I can't even wear the loosest pair of socks i own without having painful, dark red rings around my ankles and shins. It's so strange because i don't look like I'm retaining water anywhere else - but sometimes i can't even get my wedding rings off. Sleeping also sucks lately - i don't get much each night. I toss from side to side about once every hour. I just keep saying it's God's way of preparing me for no sleep.

I think that's all for now. Sorry it took me a while to get this one up. I've been distracted with work i suppose.

My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday the 11th. After that i start going every two weeks until I'm 36 weeks...then it's every week. Hopefully this baby won't make us wait longer than 41 weeks. Anything after that and i know I'll go insane.
