Sunday, February 22, 2009

For the Love of Blog!

First off...I'm fat. I just uploaded my shower pictures (which i will share in a minute) and man o' man...I'm huge. People keep saying that my face hasn't changed at all. Really? So my face has been this round and chubby my whole life? Then why didn't someone tell me!?!? Sheesh. Help a girl out.

On a happier note - my shower was this weekend and it was SO much fun and so nice. I had so many people there to help me celebrate, had some delicious food (including my favorite eggs benedict), and got amazing gifts for the baby. It's so odd to open up gifts for a new little person that's going to be coming home with you in a few weeks. I guess when this little person hasn't made it's debut, it's just surreal to have all these great things for him/her.

Here are some pictures of the shower, as well as me at 34 weeks in my dress - which had i tried it on in the store i would have known how round and clown-like it would make me appear:

Here are some pictures of other fun gifts once we got everything into the baby's room:

My cousin Jessie and Aunt Nancy made me the most adorable diaper cake, which had so many fun things on it, including the cutest little pair of baby crocs:

And here's a shot of the nursery with all the goods, including our stroller in the background which is now also known as the "Cadillac":

And thanks to my wonderful husband, i started off my morning before the shower with a manicure and pedicure! It was a great day - and i was exhausted when it was all over.

I made my trip up to NYC on Wednesday for my interviews. They were all really nice people. We'll see what comes of it, but I'm remaining positive. I also took a picture of myself wearing a suit jacket that used to actually button up in the front. This is me at 33 1/2 weeks...

Needless to say it didn't button last week for my trip. I'm pretty sure it was obvious to the Bank of America people why it wasn't closed for my interviews.

So, we're down to about 6 weeks. I'm really hoping the baby doesn't bring me past 40 weeks - but I'm bracing myself for that reality.

I head to the doctor again this Wednesday for another check up. I'll have another one two weeks from then, and after that we're down to an appointment every week! It's getting close and we're getting very excited to meet this baby and know if it's a girl or a boy!!!

That's about it for now. Hope your weather is better then ours is today: raining, windy and freezing.



dchem said...

Sounds like a good time!!! Glad your shower brought you lots of goodies! I hope you got our gift, I know it wasn't the most exciting of gifts, but when Tim and I were going through your registry, we wanted to get you something that you get to use lots, and the idea of getting you something that will help you bring your little one home for the first time makes me smile. :) Chat soon. Love you