Sunday, March 8, 2009

I knew it wasn't sciatica!

So this whole hip thing has been getting worse - and worse and worse. Although I kept thinking that this had to do with my pre-existing hip issues, the doctors kept saying "oh it's sciatica," and "welcome to pregnancy," whenever I would tell them about the pain. It did start to get frustrating when they would brush me off as another whiney pregnant girl with your run-of-the-mill hip pain, but i just learned to live with the pain and deal with it.

At one point, one of the doctors i see, did give me the names of some orthopedics since it had gotten so bad. Needless to say, not one orthopedic will see you when you're pregnant. They all said "you're pregnant - hip pain happens." Again...very frustrating since i felt that this just wasn't a sore hip due to the baby, but whatever. I went about things just living with it.

As i said in my last post, the pain has been getting pretty bad. Although i kept chalking it up to sciatica it had gotten so bad this week that i could barely get to work. In fact, it took me two hours longer to show up for work on Thursday. Between not sleeping and how bad it hurts, i just feel like poop in the mornings. And that continues throughout the day lately. Friday rolled around and it was even worse - i couldn't even get myself out of the chair. So, reluctantly i called the doctor. Now i knew there wasn't anything they could do for me, but Nathan kept saying "just call them so when you go in on Monday they have it documented that it was so bad you couldn't wait for your next appointment." My co-worker suggested the same thing so i thought "what the hell." I was working from home so i gave them a call, they put the nurse on who in turn tells me she will talk to the doctor and call me back.

Two hours later my phone rings. The nurse (who was very nice) says "Dr. Cernandas says that sciatica is normal and if you're having some pain to go to a chiropractor. Mmmm...really? Some pain? Oh...and we're assuming, yet again, that this is just sciatica? Not that I'm down playing sciatica at all - but as i keep saying, i had this feeling something else was wrong. At this point i was really upset. I've never been a huge fan of chiropractors and i was just aggravated that the doctor basically tells me my only choice is alternative medicine - you know - since I'm just another complaining pregnant girl.

Anyway, the nurse gave me the number to a chiropractor that they use often, who thank God, accepted my insurance. By this time i am in tears because I'm thinking my only chance for the doctor to believe me at this point is to go see this guy who might not even take my insurance. And what if he doesn't take my insurance??? Then i have to spend my entire Friday finding someone who will: A) accept my insurance and B) see me that day so i can report back to the doctor at my Monday appointment.

Off i went to see the chiropractor. Nathan was able to bring me, which was great since i couldn't even sit in the car on my own. When we arrived the doctor was shocked to see how hard it was for me to move. The first thing he said was "Well, at least i know it's not your neck that hurts you!" He gave me a full evaluation and come to this conclusion: I have major issues with my hips, especially the left one ( i knew that - but in an effort to please my OB/GYN i needed him to determine that). It's NOT sciatica (mmmm...what do ya know?) - i have something wrong (which can't be determined until post pregnancy with x-rays and MRI's) with my sacrum and hip bone. It also seems to be effecting the top of my pelvic bone. He also said he's willing to bet that this will not be going away once the baby arrives - which really stinks since i was hoping it would and i could just go about life. He felt around and had me do a bunch of things so he could evaluate things. Apparently I've also done some muscle damage at this point from straining it so bad. When he asked me why i hadn't come sooner i said "The doctor kept telling me it was normal, so i lived with the pain."

After checking me out, he gave some strict instructions:

1. No more stairs. Period. This wasn't surprising and Nathan saw this coming by Wednesday night based on my condition. He moved all of our bedding to the bedroom downstairs. So...we've moved for now. He did say if i had to go up and/or down - that i was restricted to twice a day so choose my daily routine carefully.

2. No more grocery, or any other, shopping. If i do go i need to go with someone.

3. No sitting in the same position for too long - especially in the car. Oh...good thing my commute is only 1.5 hours one way!

4. No more house chores unless i can do them while sitting (can't think of many!). This is the point where Nathan announced "That's it, we're out of here!"

5. I'm supposed to ice my rear/hip every hour. Yeah...ok.

6. No standing while getting ready in the morning - doing hair, make-up and brushing my teeth.

7. There are some others - but you get the point. i was leaving he said "By the way, be sure to tell your doctor you're not just another whining pregnant girl." HA! Ok...i will!

I knew it. Jerks.

Any who - sorry, but i had to get that out. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see if they choose to believe me now, or continue to classify me as someone who can't handle some normal growing pains due to pregnancy.

So that's my life in a nutshell since the last time i blogged. We also hit the 4 week mark this past Friday! I think i have something like 28 days until my due date. INSANE! I just can't believe it.

Here's a 36 week picture (can you tell i didn't even bother to do something to my face today?!? Hey! I'm following doctor's orders!):

(Jesus, I'm enormous).

It was 66 degrees here on Saturday. It was so beautiful. Nathan got a chance to get out and golf which I was so happy about. I hope he gets a couple more chances between now and when the baby comes. It can't be fun to sit at home with your fat and mobility challenged wife all weekend. Poor guy.

I have my first training event this week for work. Becky and Lynn, my co-workers, are coming along to shadow me as they will be running some of my programs for me while I'm out. They're usually 12 hour days so we'll see how that goes. After this week I'm supposed to start working from home until the baby comes - unless the doctor decides to pull me out altogether when i see her tomorrow. I find that doubtful since they think I'm faking.

OK, I'm done now, i swear.

Hope everyone is well!
