Wednesday, November 5, 2008

18 Week Picture...Finally!

Once again - sorry for the delay, but the long awaited 18 week picture has finally made it's way to my computer:

I'm definitely showing to the point that strangers can tell. I catch people staring at me like I'm a freak all the time. I think sometimes it's because i look about as old as a 16 year old on the weekends. Sorry - but i do my hair and makeup 5 days a week...Saturday and Sunday are my days off even if i do look like a teenager.

Anyway - apparently in the pregnancy world, 18 weeks also means I'm in my 5th month. Don't ask me why - this is my first time too - but it sure is nice to move up one in the month bracket. I came across this nifty little chart online and thought it was helpful. I should be clipping this out and posting it on our fridge:

Two and half more weeks until we're off to California! Yah - freakin' - hoo. I can't wait.

Sorry for the short blog. Hopefully i'll have more for the 19 weeker.



dchem said...

You are so cute Kimmy. (oh I also noticed the pics on myspace and behind you in your house... did you get your CD's from Lynnette?) You are just too cute and I love coming on here and reading your entries. I hope you guys have fun in CA. We still aren't sure about Thanksgiving or Christmas... :( Have a great weekend. Love ya!