And for the 22 week picture:
I want to comment again on the size this week...but i won't.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We had three!
And for the 22 week picture:
I want to comment again on the size this week...but i won't.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We had three!
Posted by Kim at 12:24 PM 0 comments
This weekend was my sister's Sweet Sixteen party. We had a lot of fun. My brother stayed with us from Maryland and since the theme was Hollywood we all got to get somewhat dressed up for the occasion. I'm not usually a fan of dressing up much, but when you're getting fatter by the day you'll take any excuse you can get to make yourself look somewhat attractive.
Here's my 20 week picture, dressed up for the party last night:
It took us three hours to decorate on Saturday morning. I literally went in my pj's thinking we would just drop off the centerpieces i made and the 76 cupcakes i did. Once we arrived the decorating ended up taking a little longer then anticipated.
Here are a couple more shots worth including:
Mikey - wearing a pair of glasses that the DJ gave out, and lookin' good.
All in all it was a good time. Today we've been really lazy just recovering. First we went to the diner for breakfast where i devoured eggs benedict (eggs poached hard of course). Then it was back home to nap and watch football.
I got the title of this blog from the baby who has been movin' and groovin' all this week. I can actually say that i feel the baby move now. There is no guessing with these movements - it is definitely the baby. Friday night i was laying on the couch and started feeling kicks - pretty strong ones in fact. So i had Nathan come over and put his hand on my belly. He got a bit impatient, but i told him to just sit there for a minute. Sure enough the baby kicked Nathan's hand nice and strong! I'm so glad that he finally got to feel it for himself, since I've been talking so much about how i can feel it.
We have our next doctor's appointment this Wednesday. We get our ultrasound (where most find out the gender), and then I'll get weighed and meet with the doctor. Since my appetite has kicked in since my last appointment I'm curious to see what the total pounds will be this go around. I also have something that i have never had before - a sweet tooth. Almost anything sweet makes me happy these days, which i still have to be careful with since i will eventually get tested for gestational diabetes, something i don't want!
Other than that we're gearing up for our California trip. I can't wait - as I've mentioned in my past two posts. The weather got really cold here all the sudden, and I'm ready for a break from work. I'm also ready to be home since it's been too long.
So...the next post will be from California!
This Thursday marks 5 weeks until Christmas. Where does the time go? This past week also marked my half way point for this pregnancy. On Christmas, I'll be officially in my third trimester. Amazing.
That's it for now! More to come from the Golden State :)
Posted by Kim at 3:43 PM 1 comments
it's not the best picture...but you get the idea. It's hard to tell which part is my gut and which is a shadow from my black shirt. Oh well. Better luck this week with my next one.
Speaking of this week - on Friday i will be 20 weeks pregnant! That's half way done. Not only that, but i'll be a week away from flying home to California for a week. Woot woot!
Nothing new otherwise. I took this funny picture of Ellie. She actually slept like this on Nathan:
A week from tomorrow is my next appointment. We'll get another ultrasound and i'll get weighed in. More on that next week!
It's cold here - hopefully not everyone is suffering from winter weather already.
Posted by Kim at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Once again - sorry for the delay, but the long awaited 18 week picture has finally made it's way to my computer:
I'm definitely showing to the point that strangers can tell. I catch people staring at me like I'm a freak all the time. I think sometimes it's because i look about as old as a 16 year old on the weekends. Sorry - but i do my hair and makeup 5 days a week...Saturday and Sunday are my days off even if i do look like a teenager.
Anyway - apparently in the pregnancy world, 18 weeks also means I'm in my 5th month. Don't ask me why - this is my first time too - but it sure is nice to move up one in the month bracket. I came across this nifty little chart online and thought it was helpful. I should be clipping this out and posting it on our fridge:
Two and half more weeks until we're off to California! Yah - freakin' - hoo. I can't wait.
Sorry for the short blog. Hopefully i'll have more for the 19 weeker.
Posted by Kim at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Insanity. It has ensued at work and has no end in sight.
This is my excuse for not yet blogging for my 18th week. I do have a picture but it won't be posted tonight. Sorry.
Unfortunately, my 5th finance fire drill of the week (kindly note it's only Tuesday) has me working yet again at 9:30 p.m. at home, after working at the office all day.
They keep saying this Bank of America merger is a good thing. Those are the people who clearly aren't pulled into these fire drills.
Anyway, hopefully i can come up with something a bit interesting to write about when i do post my 18 week picture. I hope to make that tomorrow night. I'll be sure to ask Bank of America for permission to devote time to blogging from now on.
Good night!
P.S. I hope you all voted. Seriously - if you didn't don't complain. Period.
Posted by Kim at 6:17 PM 1 comments