Monday, September 29, 2008


So today was my doctor's appointment. All i had to do was three things, two of which weren't the things i was looking forward to. Let's see if you can figure out the one thing i was looking forward to:

  • Get weighed
  • Pee in a cup (every time)
  • Hear the baby's heart beat on the doppler

Well i did the first. I lost three pounds! I'm not proud or anything, but i had no idea what to expect. This, the doctor assured us, was normal for those of us who had morning (or what i like to call i-feel-like-crap ALL day) sickness.

Then i peed in the cup. This is just so they can test your sugar levels each time you go in. Unless he says something about it, then you're good. Since i didn't buy the candy corns until after the appointment, i passed for this week.

Here comes the exciting part...the doctor gels me up on the belly and puts the doppler on to start listening for the heart beat. Well he searched, and searched, and searched. Then he just shrugged his shoulders and said "Well the baby is still very small, and they move quite a bit." After that he gave us two options:

1. wait until next week and come back since you can definitely pick something up by then (I'll be almost 15 weeks a week from now)

2. Go down the hall right then and there and have a quick ultrasound, where it's easy to pick up since they can see the exact location of the heart.

DUH. Take me to the ultrasound! So off we went, the took me right away, and sure enough there he/she was and the woman pulled up the heart beat over the monitor speakers right away.


I have to say, i felt frustrated and guilty once we left today. I felt frustrated because i was SO looking forward to being able to hear the heart beat through the doppler, because that (to me) would make it feel "real." Even after last week's ultrasound. I know, I'm insane.

I felt guilty because here i am all upset that we didn't hear anything BUT saw something and then did hear something through the ultrasound machine. I realize that it could have been a lot worse, and has been for many people who aren't as lucky as us to see a healthy, living baby on the screen. It just goes to show you what kind of surprises and emotions this experience can bring out i guess.

Anyway, my next appointment is October 22nd. All i want to do is hear that heart beat through the doppler now. These next three weeks are going to drag on I'm afraid.

In other news it's almost October! I LOVE i went and did some shopping to decorate the house. Since we moved in on Halloween last year i never bothered buying anything. The shopping trip is also when i purchased the candy corn which are staring at me as i type this.

That's it for now. Oh yeah - the heart rate today was 151.


dchem said...

Ha ha I am stalking your blog! I am afraid you may see a lot of me since Tim is working nights and I am incredibly bored waiting for him to come home. Glad you were able to get an ultrasound right then instead of waiting a whole week!