Ok, I'm finally posting belly pictures for weeks 23 and 24. I will be 25 weeks on Friday.

24 weeks:

I had my 24 week check up today. Everything seems to be moving along fine. I heard the heartbeat right away this time. Nice and strong! I got my belly measured for the first time, although i didn't ask what the measurement was. I wouldn't really know what is normal, etc. anyway. The doctor gave me an A+ for this visit.
I've gained 15 pounds so far in almost 25 weeks. When i asked her if that was ok she said "Oh yeah...you can gain lot's more weight!" Ummm...no thanks, but at least i know i have some wiggle room still. It is pretty amazing to think that next week I'll be 2/3 of the way done with this pregnancy.
My next appointment i get to take the glucose test for gestational diabetes. I have a bottle of orange fluids to drink an hour before getting my blood drawn. Yuck. It looks like Traiminic that i used to take when i was sick as a kid. I have a feeling there will be a lot of gagging the morning of January 14th (my next appointment).
I have monkey bread cooking in the oven as i type for my Dad and Lisa's dinner visit tomorrow! They just arrived this morning so Ellie and i are off to see them in a little while. I leave Lou at home because he's grumpy around other dogs. Ellie needs to burn the energy, lord knows, so she'll come along and hopefully refrain from raising hell once we arrive.
I'm using a new recipe i got from Sue Brunton tomorrow. I hope it comes out as good as when she makes it - but it's doubtful. I usually have bad luck with those types of things....but we'll keep our fingers crossed. There's always monkey bread for the main course ;)
Finally...we got snow yesterday. It lasted a while and did stick. There is still some on the ground but it's starting to melt. Good riddens! I don't enjoy the snow unless it's a weekend where we have nothing to do, and need the excuse to stay in. Katie also told me they had snow in Sacramento yesterday. What is going on?!?!
Anyway, that's all for now.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Ohhhh yeah....i pulled a dumb move on Sunday and fell down our entire flight of basement steps. It does sound funny, i know, but at the time i was scared shitless. I felt so bad for putting the baby in danger. We called the doctor right away but there wasn't much they could do. She just told me to take it easy and feel for kicking, etc. and keep an eye out for bleeding. Thank god I fell on my side and NOT my belly which the doctor said is good. I have a sore hip (nothing new there) and hurt my arm, but was so thankful that the baby seemed to be ok. Apparently pregnancy causes you to lose your sense of gravity as well. I just chalk it up to another one of those things that nobody bothers to tell you about when it comes to being pregnant.
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