Ok, we've been very busy over the past couple of weeks with my Dad and Lisa here, as well as Natalie and Jason. We've had such a great time finishing out the year that i'm almost a little sad that it will be over soon.
I'm also dreading going back to work to see what my future holds there - I can't lie. It's scary to not know what's going to happen with work, and i can only hope and pray that i at least get to keep my job long enough to go on maternity leave. How about everyone who reads this hopes the same?!?!? Thanks.
Anyway, we had many adventures while Natalie and Jason were here and so little time to squeeze it into to. Friday (after Christmas) we headed into Philly to eat Jim's famous cheesesteaks on South Street. Nathan and I had only been to Pat's, but my cousin's husband Ronnie insisted that we go to Jim's this time...so we did. Here are some shots:
This is Nate and Natalie standing in line. Yes...a line. It wrapped around the side of the building and then wrapped around twice inside. Insanity. It was very much worth it - and Natalie and i were both glad that we decided not to share one - especially since sharing with a pregnant girl would have no doubt resulted in Natalie getting less.
The next day (Saturday) we were off to NYC for some sights. We saw the tree, Central Park, Times Square and much more. There were craploads of people there. At one point Nathan had to walk in front of me with his hand blocking my belly because loads of people just come at you. I hadn't seen it like that in a couple of years - but that's probably because i had learned the last time that it was way too crowded right after Christmas to go and haven't since. We did have a lot of fun, and did a ton of walking.
Right after we were in Rockefeller Center to see the tree we stumbled upon the best discovery ever...they put a Magnolia bakery in!!! There was a line (yes, another line) outside the building to get in, but as soon as Natalie saw what it was we were standing in line with drool coming out of our mouths. Here are some pictures of us enjoying our prizes for waiting in the cold:

(Please note Jason in the background looking at Natalie like's she insane)
The whole time i was eating my cupcake i kept thinking about my upcoming glucose test and how i know i'm going to fail. I guess i should just prepare to take the three hour test that comes after you get the phone call that you suck and failed the first one. Ugh.
Anyway - it was a great few days with Natalie and Jason. Until now Nathan and i hadn't spent much time with Jason, so it was great to get to know him better. We absolutely love him and we're so happy that he's a part of the family. Nathan was so happy to have him around. It was like they were old buddies. The four of us were like old couples who had been hanging out forever. Everytime we went somewhere the men would sit up front and Natalie and i would sit in the back just shaking our heads at the things they would say. I only hope that we didn't scare Jason away to much by having him spend Christmas with my family...which can be a bit overwhelming. His memory was great (far better then Nathan's) since he seemed to remember everyone from the wedding - their names and all! If he learned anything from being here for the holidays it was this: Just drink, and you'll get through it.
This was before the festivties really started on Christmas Eve:

On Christmas Day i wore this red sweater that made me look gigantic (yes, i'm blaming the sweater). Since i matched the chair i was sitting in, Natalie took a picture:

Tonight's New Year's Eve. I have to run to the store so i can make a chocolate cake to bring - and it's snowing outside. Again. Sucks.
Tomorrow we're off to NYC again to meet Quincy and Tierney who are flying in today to spend New Year's Eve in Times Square. We're having dinner at Rosa's tomorrow (yay) and then we're all headed back here where they will be staying for a few days. Something tells me i'll be eating another cheesesteak soon.
Happy New Year! Hope it's a safe and enjoyable one.
As Kerri pointed out in my last blog - we have less than 100 days to go until the baby arrives. I can't believe it. Next week i'll be 7 months pregnant. To that point i almost forgot...i ordered the furniture two days ago. I'm so happy it's done with and i just got an email that it's on it's way! Now Nathan needs to finish painting so we can get the carpeting put in! So much to do in so little time :)
More to come soon!