This blog is way overdue...sorry. We had our appointment a week and a half ago where we got an ultrasound and got to see the baby. Our appointment was at 8 a.m. I did this thinking that we wouldn't have to wait - but boy was i wrong. They didn't take us until 8:50 a.m. By that point i was pretty pissed off, but also excited to see the baby again.
We had no idea - but the ultrasound process at 20 weeks takes an hour. They go through and measure all sorts of things to make sure the baby is growing how it should, and to see if your due date is still accurate. Apparently I'm right on target since the doctor didn't say anything to us. She also said that the baby looks great!
And yes...we managed to NOT find out what we're having. When she got to the "goods" she told us to look away. We did, but it was hard to not just look over real quick. I did say to her "if i look, would i be able to even tell?" Since i don't have a trained eye i thought maybe i could look and just guess....but she said "It's quite obvious to me what it is right now, so if you don't want to know then don't look." Not sure what that means, although most people are translating that into it being a boy. A part of me, and i think Nate, wish we would have found out, but now we have no choice but to be surprised which is still exciting.
At one point Nate did sneak a peek, but he said he had no idea what he was looking at.
Next was our trip to California. We had such a good time. It went by way too fast, as i expected, and now with work looming tomorrow I'm wondering why we even came back.
It was very interesting to see what everyone out there had to say about their gender guess. Since they hadn't seen me since getting pregnant i figured they would be better at guessing since they would notice changes in my face, etc. The consensus for the most part is boy, but a couple of people said girl. People still say my face hasn't changed and that i don't look pregnant from the back - but man when i look at pictures i think i look so fat. I really do think the camera adds weight - but maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better.
There were a couple of people who also said that my stomach is pretty big for 5 1/2 months (you know who you are). Until those comments i didn't think i was doing that bad in the size department...but I've now resorted to being a little self conscious about it. I mean i love having a belly (what the hell is the point of being pregnant?), and i don't' think i look that big, but you can't help but let it bother you a bit when people tell you you're big already. Either way, according to my doctor, I'm right where i should be, and there are a lot of people that are much bigger then me at this point in the pregnancy. So there.
One of the greatest parts of our visit was a baby shower tea party that my mother-in-law, Vickie, threw for me along with Sarah and Natalie. It was at the cutest little tea house in Lafayette, and we had such a nice time. I got to see so many people i hadn't seen since the wedding (!!!), and we got so many cute things for the baby.
Since i didn't take an official 21 week picture while we were there, I'm using the following as that, as well as a chance to show off some cute pics:

And for the 22 week picture:
I want to comment again on the size this week...but i won't.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We had three!
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