Of October! I can't believe how fast this month went by. Friday is Halloween which i love and then we're on to a new month.
We bought 14 bags of candy today! I hope that's enough. We really do get a lot of trick-or-treaters so I'm sure I'll have to get greedy toward the end of the night and let them only take one piece instead of all their choices (which i do at the start of the evening). It's so hard to believe that this Friday last year we were moving into our house. Time sure does fly.

It's hard to see all the details, but they have silver stars on the outside. They'll be filled with water and have floating candles in them. We're also going to line each one with four additional candles on the tables.
I'm also on cupcake duty for the cupcake tower. Today was the trial run. I think we're going to do black frosting with gold and silver flakes. Here's today's batch:

We put the Christmas tree in that spot last year so i guess we'll have to find another option for this year, but oh well, that bare spot was getting so annoying. Now on to the next area of the house...none of it ever seems done!
Last but not least, my 17 week picture:Growing every day!
Tonight i hope to make it all the way through Desperate Housewives. Last week i was so exhausted from the football game that i think i made it about 30 minutes in. Tomorrow i have to go to NYC for work. Blah. Yuck. No thanks.
Ehhh...another weekend come and gone. How is it that the days we're at work seem to drag on endlessly but when we're home actually doing things we enjoy and being with people we want to look at, it goes by so fast.
Oh well. I'm not saying anything that you don't already know.
Ok...Happy Halloween! Only 4 more weeks until Thanksgiving!
Hey Kimmy! I found your picture extra cute because it looks like Nate was in his man cave watching a game and checking his email, and taking a pic of you! What a multi-tasker! Glad everything went well with the appt this week, how exciting! 10 bags of candy, you guys are lucky!! We will be lucky if we get rid of our 3 bags! Have a great week. Have fun on Halloween and the Halloween party. Tell your sis Happy Birthday! What a lucky gal to have a sweet sixteen party, good work on the decorations.
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