Booty (not mine...thank god):Nathan and i received our first baby clothes package this weekend from my Dad and Lisa! The stuff is really cute, and feels so strange to get as a gift - i mean we're actually going to be using those things in a few months. Here's some pictures of what we got!:

My cousin Jessie and her husband Ronnie had their baby boy this week. Bailey Robert Mitra was born on Thursday, October 2nd at 5:55 p.m, weighing in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces and 22" long. I went to see them the next day...and here's a couple of pictures:

He's so cute! Every time i took a picture he made this face like he was not amused by the flash. Jessie had about 8 hours of labor with one hour of pushing. I had just arrived at the hospital when they had taken the poor baby to get circumcised. Leave it to me to show up then! When they brought him back he was all wrapped up and sleeping so nicely. Then i got to hold him...thank goodness since i was so anxious to get my hands on him! Seeing Bailey made me even more excited for our baby to arrive...all in due time.
Here is my 14 week (really 14 weeks, 2 days) belly picture (excuse the folded over panel):

I've been reading a lot lately that other girls almost looked bigger around this time then they did/do at 20 weeks or so. Apparently bloat, which i know i had a lot of in the beginning, can still be contributing to some of this belly growth at this point. I'm not sure if this is just bloat, just baby or a little of both. It's strange because i don't feel bloated anymore - i really feel like i have a legitimate belly. I guess time and pictures will tell.
Bad news:
Bad, sad and everything else. My boss Kathy, whom i really do love very much, was diagnosed with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. She had been out for about a month after landing in the hospital due to on going stomach problems. We've kept in touch every week (at least), so i knew in the back of mind that this was a very probable outcome, but it wasn't until she called me on Thursday and actually told me herself that it sunk in. I promised myself when she called that i wouldn't get upset, since it's not very fair for me to be crying when she's the one going through this horrible experience. I lasted almost the entire conversation - then i lost it. Once i cried so did she, and that really made me feel horrible. I told her how much we love her and miss her and are praying for her. Then i had to deliver the news to others who are close to her in the office.
It's never been a secret to those close to me that Kathy was always one of the most loved "things" about my job. It never mattered how much i liked or disliked my job at the moment - i always knew i was staying because i really don't believe there is anyone better out there to call a boss. Not only has she made me a better person in my professional life, but she has been through so many of my personal experiences with me: having this first "real" job in Corporate America, getting my first apartment with Nathan, getting engaged, getting married, buying our house and now having our first baby together. Telling Kathy all of our good news, and sometimes bad, was normal to me - it's like telling a family member when talking to her.
Anyway - i could go on and on as there are so many more good things i could say about her. I'm just so devastated for her, her husband Tom and her daughters Hannah and Erin. She's only 49.
Kathy is just another example of how this nasty thing called cancer can change a life over night. It seems like Nathan had i have gotten too many examples lately, including Nathan's godfather Robert who lost his battle in April, my Grandmother Faye who is having surgery this week due to uterine cancer and countless others.
I know, I'm such a Debbie Downer, but honestly, i think it's important to remember just how blessed we are to celebrate things such as new babies and pregnancies. It's so easy on a day-to-day basis to take it for granted to a certain degree, and it just puts life into perspective.'s another Football Sunday in the Albano household. We're having bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado for dinner tonight. Hmmm...i wonder who was craving that?!? That leads me to that last thing, but it doesn't start with a B:
My appetite is back in full force now. I guess losing 3 pounds in the first three months or so was God's little gift to me...and his way of preparing me to gain weight! Now if i could just get my energy back - I'll be in real trouble!