Sunday, October 26, 2008

One more week...

Of October! I can't believe how fast this month went by. Friday is Halloween which i love and then we're on to a new month.

We bought 14 bags of candy today! I hope that's enough. We really do get a lot of trick-or-treaters so I'm sure I'll have to get greedy toward the end of the night and let them only take one piece instead of all their choices (which i do at the start of the evening). It's so hard to believe that this Friday last year we were moving into our house. Time sure does fly.

Not much to report. We're gearing up for my sister Kristen's Sweet Sixteen party which is going to be a Hollywood theme. I did the centerpieces yesterday:

It's hard to see all the details, but they have silver stars on the outside. They'll be filled with water and have floating candles in them. We're also going to line each one with four additional candles on the tables.

I'm also on cupcake duty for the cupcake tower. Today was the trial run. I think we're going to do black frosting with gold and silver flakes. Here's today's batch:

Other than that, we finally filled a bare spot in our living room, with a leaning shelf:

We put the Christmas tree in that spot last year so i guess we'll have to find another option for this year, but oh well, that bare spot was getting so annoying. Now on to the next area of the house...none of it ever seems done!

Last but not least, my 17 week picture:

Growing every day!

Tonight i hope to make it all the way through Desperate Housewives. Last week i was so exhausted from the football game that i think i made it about 30 minutes in. Tomorrow i have to go to NYC for work. Blah. Yuck. No thanks.

Ehhh...another weekend come and gone. How is it that the days we're at work seem to drag on endlessly but when we're home actually doing things we enjoy and being with people we want to look at, it goes by so fast.

Oh well. I'm not saying anything that you don't already know.

Ok...Happy Halloween! Only 4 more weeks until Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well i waited until today to write since we had a doctor's appointment today. For the first time since being pregnant i had a doctor that i loved! She was so nice and let me ask all sorts of insane questions and answered them all. Then she had me lay down while i was still talking so she could use the doppler, so i stopped what i was saying and told her "last time we were here he couldn't find the heartbeat..." and she finished my sentence for me: "and you're freaking out?" Of course i answered: "Yes."

She did a little searching (she actually had the doppler higher up on my belly this time since the baby is getting bigger!), and within less than a minute we could hear it. She said "the problem is this little one is moving around, so catching the heartbeat can be tricky." We also heard him/her moving around - so it was all so much better then the last time.

I told her about my round ligament pain (actual medical term) that I've been having. It's shooting pains from your hips all around through you groin area. It's basically from the baby and your tummy stretching. This morning i turned over too fast and my right side just started shooting these horrible pains into my groin. Anyway - it's completely normal which is what i had figured since i had been reading about it on my own. The other "issue" i mentioned was that my hips pretty much feel broken. It's terrible. It wakes me up in the middle of the night, even when i have a pillow between my knees. Sometimes it's so bad i can hardly walk up the stairs. She told me i could go to a chiropractor...but her actual words were "welcome to pregnancy."

Ok. Thanks!

Here's my 16 week, 2 day picture. We were getting ready to head out to a Giants vs. 49ers game so i was bundled up. The weather here has arrived at fall in a serious way:

I have to say - the camera makes it look much bigger. Here's a bare belly one that i was hesitant about posting...but what the hell:

In other doctor appointment news: Our downs syndrome and trisomy test numbers came back and our chances are 1 in 4500. The doctor said that those were "better than great" numbers, so we were very happy to hear that. I had to get the second part blood work done today so those won't be back for another week or so.

I also got weighed in. The grand total for the last month: gained 2 pounds. Since i lost 3 in my first trimester I'm basically back to the weight i was at when i got pregnant so that's nice. I asked her what my goal should be and the answer was 25 pounds knowing that almost everyone exceeds that by 5 to 10 pounds. Let's hope i don't exceed it by too much, but time will tell! Nathan was disappointed since he was betting i had gained 8 pounds! I guess since my belly is showing pretty well now it's easier to think I've put on more weight. I wasn't upset today to disappoint him with a grand total of only 2!
Our next appointment is on November 19th - right before we head to California for Thanksgiving. We get our big ultrasound, which is normally where people find out the gender. We're still holding out, but it will be fun to see the baby again! We also get a cd with 50 something images on it to keep and share with friends and family.

The game on Sunday was fun! It was very cold as we sat on the visitor side (49er side) that gets absolutely no sun. The fans on the other side of the stadium were in the sun the entire time and were walking around with short sleeves on. Bastards.

The tickets were great! We were on the field - so close we could touch the players. Our tickets also got us into the president's club before and after the game that offers free drinks (alcohol and all) and food. The 49ers lost (shocking) but it was really fun. Here's a picture of us all bundled up:

Tomorrow i start my last training program of the year. I'm happy about that, but i also know how antsy i can get sitting in the office all the time. I suppose with budgets being at the forefront and the holidays it won't be too bad.

Speaking of work, Kathy starts her first round of chemo tomorrow. A few of us at the office got together and bought her an iPod and portable DVD player to bring back and forth with her. Hopefully it will make the time go by a little faster - or entertain her at the very least. I'm nervous for her, but I'm also happy she will be starting what needs to be done to get rid of that crap cancer. I just talked to her yesterday and she was feeling excited in every meaning of the word. All in all she's keeping a positive attitude. I'm hoping to actually see her in person soon!

I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather wherever you live and looking forward to Halloween!


Monday, October 13, 2008

15 weeks

Not much new to report today. I've been sick for a few days now, and even though I've started to feel better i decided to take a sick day from work today. Nathan got home from his golf trip early Sunday morning, and has today (Columbus Day) as a holiday, so i thought it was a good time to call in sick.

We went pumpkin picking today which I've been looking forward to doing since probably September now! The weather has been great, and today it's 77 degrees and sunny out. Nathan always insists on having the largest pumpkin he can pick and actually carry to the car. This year he chose one that weighed in at 48.8 pounds.

Here's a picture of it on our porch (with the dogs looking out - it's their favorite spot):

We also got a really cute gift in the mail this week from my in-laws for our lawn. It was our Happy One year in our house gift:

I hit the 15 week mark this past Friday, which makes me 15 weeks and 3 days today. Here's my picture that was taken last night. We actually almost forgot - so i apologize but I'm in my sweats and a t-shirt with old paint stains on it:

Other than that, nothing else. I have my next appointment one week from tomorrow. I'm preparing myself for the whole doppler experience again. I pray every night that it won't be an issue again since i know it will scare the crap out of me. I'm trying to think positive. I also still don't feel consistent movement from the baby. I know it's completely normal to not feel anything at all until around 18 to 21 weeks - and even then it won't necessarily be consistent. I do feel him/her once in a while which always makes me smile when i do. I'm just being grateful that i get to feel the baby as early as i have.

I made brownies last night which are delicious...especially with a glass of milk. I've also taken a liking to blow pops which is fantastic since that only means my teeth should be rotting out of my head by the end of this pregnancy.

That's it for now. If i feel creative between now and the next picture I'll write...but that doesn't strike me very often!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Look out below

Yesterday morning i had a bit of a delay getting off to work. I basically had a nervous break down and cried because i have nothing that fits me anymore. Even though i have purchased a couple of things for work, you start to feel gross wearing the same pants all the time. Anyway, i finally did leave for work - about 30 minutes late - and felt like poop the whole day.

Nathan called me at some point in the day and said "let's run to the mall tonight and get you some things, ok?" Of course i didn't decline the offer.

Anyway, we met at home and off to Macy's we went where they have a Mimi Maternity inside along with Motherhood Maternity. I grabbed some things (mostly things that Nathan found all on his own) and off to the dressing room i went. I came out with my choices and we went to the counter. Just as i was about to pay i started to feel sick, and all i kept thinking was "wait...i haven't felt like throwing up in quite a while now." Aside from scooping dog food, I've been feeling pretty good on the puke front. Then i broke out into a sweat and everything went black - and down to the ground i went. I had to swoop down and get myself on the ground before i fell over. I guess i was about to faint but caught myself in time to get down before i hurt myself.

All i remember is Nathan looking down at me, along with the nice lady at the register peering over the counter, asking "are you ok?" I looked up at Nathan and just said "I was about to faint." So he paid, managed to buy me a lovely bottle of Macy's water and we sat for a while. I made my way over to a sitting area so, no, i was not sitting on the floor in front of the counter this whole time.

We were going to have dinner together since Nathan is off on a golf trip now for a few days, but we just came home. We thought that was the safer of the choices.

So I'll add that to my list of pregnancy experiences. Good times. I just thank god i was with Nathan and not alone, because i probably would have been too embarrassed to swoop down and would have ended up going down for the count. As if that wouldn't have been more embarrassing...but hey I'm pregnant so rationality is not my strong suit right now.

Anyway, i have a crazy few days at work coming up, and I've also managed to catch the nasty cold that Nathan had. I know all i will want to do this weekend is sleep and all i have plans to do is work!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

B is for...

Booty (not mine...thank god):

Nathan and i received our first baby clothes package this weekend from my Dad and Lisa! The stuff is really cute, and feels so strange to get as a gift - i mean we're actually going to be using those things in a few months. Here's some pictures of what we got!:


My cousin Jessie and her husband Ronnie had their baby boy this week. Bailey Robert Mitra was born on Thursday, October 2nd at 5:55 p.m, weighing in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces and 22" long. I went to see them the next day...and here's a couple of pictures:

He's so cute! Every time i took a picture he made this face like he was not amused by the flash. Jessie had about 8 hours of labor with one hour of pushing. I had just arrived at the hospital when they had taken the poor baby to get circumcised. Leave it to me to show up then! When they brought him back he was all wrapped up and sleeping so nicely. Then i got to hold him...thank goodness since i was so anxious to get my hands on him! Seeing Bailey made me even more excited for our baby to arrive...all in due time.


Here is my 14 week (really 14 weeks, 2 days) belly picture (excuse the folded over panel):

I've been reading a lot lately that other girls almost looked bigger around this time then they did/do at 20 weeks or so. Apparently bloat, which i know i had a lot of in the beginning, can still be contributing to some of this belly growth at this point. I'm not sure if this is just bloat, just baby or a little of both. It's strange because i don't feel bloated anymore - i really feel like i have a legitimate belly. I guess time and pictures will tell.

Bad news:

Bad, sad and everything else. My boss Kathy, whom i really do love very much, was diagnosed with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. She had been out for about a month after landing in the hospital due to on going stomach problems. We've kept in touch every week (at least), so i knew in the back of mind that this was a very probable outcome, but it wasn't until she called me on Thursday and actually told me herself that it sunk in. I promised myself when she called that i wouldn't get upset, since it's not very fair for me to be crying when she's the one going through this horrible experience. I lasted almost the entire conversation - then i lost it. Once i cried so did she, and that really made me feel horrible. I told her how much we love her and miss her and are praying for her. Then i had to deliver the news to others who are close to her in the office.

It's never been a secret to those close to me that Kathy was always one of the most loved "things" about my job. It never mattered how much i liked or disliked my job at the moment - i always knew i was staying because i really don't believe there is anyone better out there to call a boss. Not only has she made me a better person in my professional life, but she has been through so many of my personal experiences with me: having this first "real" job in Corporate America, getting my first apartment with Nathan, getting engaged, getting married, buying our house and now having our first baby together. Telling Kathy all of our good news, and sometimes bad, was normal to me - it's like telling a family member when talking to her.

Anyway - i could go on and on as there are so many more good things i could say about her. I'm just so devastated for her, her husband Tom and her daughters Hannah and Erin. She's only 49.

Kathy is just another example of how this nasty thing called cancer can change a life over night. It seems like Nathan had i have gotten too many examples lately, including Nathan's godfather Robert who lost his battle in April, my Grandmother Faye who is having surgery this week due to uterine cancer and countless others.

I know, I'm such a Debbie Downer, but honestly, i think it's important to remember just how blessed we are to celebrate things such as new babies and pregnancies. It's so easy on a day-to-day basis to take it for granted to a certain degree, and it just puts life into perspective.'s another Football Sunday in the Albano household. We're having bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado for dinner tonight. Hmmm...i wonder who was craving that?!? That leads me to that last thing, but it doesn't start with a B:


My appetite is back in full force now. I guess losing 3 pounds in the first three months or so was God's little gift to me...and his way of preparing me to gain weight! Now if i could just get my energy back - I'll be in real trouble!